Who is Info21
What we do
Info21 provides software and services aimed at optimizing business, manufacturing and service processes.
For whom
Info21 focuses on medium and smaller companies. It also provides its services abroad for subsidiaries of Czech companies.
Info21 & SAP
Info21 is SAP's implementation partner for the system SAP Business One.
And what's more
Info21 also provides consulting services, bespoke software development, system administration in the Cloud and delivery of Business Intelligence solutions.
We found the company Info21. We develop and deliver a management system
We enter into a partnership with SAP for the distribution of SAP Business One
We acquire the first customer with more than 100 SAP Business One licenses
Package21 extenstion module launches
Systém SAP Business One dodáváme prvnímu zákazníku v zahraničí – na Slovensko
Implementing SAP Business One in Romania
We are doing our largest implementation with 400 licenses for Chropyňská strojírna, including its subsidiaries abroad
Vychází nová verze systému našeho Lighthouse21 s dashboardy a KPI
Zahajujeme prodej SAP Business One s databází SAP HANA
We have our first customers in the cloud and are implementing SAP Business One in Poland, Germany and Spain
Our sales exceed CZK 21 million and we have already implemented more than 1,350 SAP Business One licenses.
New version of SAP Business One is released, bringing new technologies such as IoT, machine learning and web client
Uvolnění nové verze rozšiřujících modulů WMS 21 a Lighthouse21
Uvolněn nový modul Quality Control 21
Naše tržby překračují 36 milionů Kč a naimplementovali jsme již více než 1 850 licencí SAP Business One